Mark Cropp, a 19-year-old from New Zealand, made headlines worldwide with his desperate plea for a job. The young father’s face tattoo, which reads “DEVAST8,” has been a major obstacle in his job search. Despite receiving 45 job offers, Mark remains unemployed, waiting for the right opportunity.
Mark’s journey has been marked by challenges. He spent time in jail, where he got the face tattoo, designed by his brother after a night of drinking home brew. The tattoo was meant to make him look tough, but it has had the opposite effect, making it difficult for him to find employment.
Mark’s partner, Taneia Ruki, has been supportive throughout his journey. Initially devastated by the tattoo, she has grown to accept it. However, Mark has decided to remove the tattoo, recognizing that it’s a barrier to his future success.
The removal process won’t be easy. Mark will undergo laser therapy, which will be painful. Nevertheless, he’s determined to make a change. “I’ve learned from my mistake,” he said. “I know I’ll still be judged, but I want to be a person my family can look up to.”
Mark’s story has sparked a mix of reactions. While some have praised his determination, others have criticized his past actions. However, Mark is focused on moving forward, eager to start a new chapter in his life.
As Mark waits for the right job opportunity, he’s grateful for the support he’s received. His partner and family are behind him, and he’s determined to make a positive change. With the removal of his face tattoo, Mark is taking the first step towards a brighter future.