A chance encounter between an old friend and a Roman Catholic priest led to a heartwarming and humorous tale of faith, hope, and the power of prayer. The priest, on his way to Rome, was stopped by his boyhood friend, Mary, who shared her struggles with infertility.
Mary’s candid admission about her and her husband Robert’s 15-year struggle to have children struck a chord with the priest. He offered words of comfort and promised to light a candle for her in the great cathedral of Rome, hoping that his prayer would bring them the blessing of children.
Five years went by, and the priest had all but forgotten about his promise. That was until Robert appeared at his doorstep, beaming with joy. The news he shared left the priest astonished: Mary had given birth to two sets of twins and a pair of triplets, and was now pregnant with quadruplets.
As a token of gratitude, Robert offered the priest an all-expense-paid trip to Rome. However, his true motive was revealed with a cheeky grin: “It’s so you can blow out that damn candle!” The priest’s prayer had been answered, and in a way that no one could have anticipated.