You Won’t Believe What This Violinist Can Do With Her Feet!

Hillary Klug: The Multi-Talented Clogging Violinist from Tennessee

Hillary Klug is a musician whose extraordinary talents make her performances seem effortless, though they are anything but. She combines exceptional buck dancing (a form of tap dancing/clogging) with masterful violin playing, creating an unforgettable musical experience.

Hillary performs by playing the violin while dancing on a wooden platform, using her feet to keep the beat and her violin to carry the melody. This unique combination results in music that is both visually and audibly captivating.

Born and raised in Fayetteville, Tennessee, Hillary spent the first 18 years of her life there before moving to Lynchburg, Virginia, for seven years. She has since returned to Nashville to busk and further her music career.

Hillary’s journey began at age eight when she joined a clogging class. It wasn’t until she was 13 that she first picked up a fiddle (violin). Despite not coming from a particularly musical family, her mother supported her ambition and helped her purchase her first violin.

Her initial foray into group violin lessons was challenging, taking over three months to learn “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” Determined not to disappoint her mother or herself, Hillary sought alternative ways to improve her skills. She met a fiddle teacher at a local contra dance who significantly influenced her musical style and aspirations.

As Hillary connected with people from the old-time music scene in her area, she became increasingly drawn to it. She recalls, “Nobody in my family plays music or dances, and I had no idea that the world of old-time music and dance existed, but the more I learned, the more I was drawn to it.”

Hillary began playing at weekly square dances and soon achieved significant recognition, becoming a National Buck Dancing Champion and a Kentucky State Dance Champion. (“Buck dancing,” also known as clogging, is a type of folk dance practiced in the United States.)

Now, Hillary tours widely, showcasing her incredible talents through live shows and building a strong online presence. Since launching her YouTube channel in 2018, she has amassed over 18 million views.

Hillary Klug is a brilliantly unique artist with a bright future ahead. To see more from this remarkable fiddle-playing clogger, subscribe to her YouTube channel or follow her on Facebook.



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