Woman Sparks Debate After Refusing to Pay for Boyfriend’s Dinner Tab

A woman turned to Reddit for advice after a frustrating experience with her boyfriend and his two kids.

They had been dating for nine months and enjoyed weekly dinners together, but a pattern emerged that left her feeling taken advantage of.

Every time they went out, her boyfriend “forgot” his credit card, leaving her to foot the bill.

At first, she didn’t mind, but as the months went by and she realized she had paid for numerous dinners alone, she reached her breaking point.

One evening, she reminded him to bring his wallet, but he still showed up empty-handed.

Fed up, she decided to leave the restaurant, sparking a fight with her boyfriend, who accused her of being selfish and depriving his children of food.

Reddit users offered varying opinions, with many suggesting she was being taken advantage of financially and should consider ending the relationship.

The incident raises important questions about boundaries and financial responsibilities in relationships.

Was she right to stand her ground, or should she have paid and addressed the issue later? The debate continues.

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