A Surprising Demand: Mother-in-Law Wants $200 for Unrequested Cleaning Services

A new mother’s gratitude turned to shock when her mother-in-law demanded payment for cleaning her home without permission.

The mother-in-law had kindly offered to feed their dogs while they were in the hospital, but took it upon herself to clean the entire house, leaving a note with a breakdown of costs, including $200 for cleaning supplies and labor.

The couple was taken aback by the sudden demand, feeling that their mother-in-law’s actions were motivated by a desire for payment rather than kindness.

The husband tried to address the issue, explaining that they had not asked for her services and were hurt by her actions. However, the mother-in-law responded by saying she couldn’t understand why they weren’t grateful.

The situation escalated, with the couple receiving criticism from their extended family, who portrayed the mother-in-law as a loving and selfless person.

The husband suggested paying her to diffuse the tension, but the woman refused, feeling that it would be unfair to pay for services they didn’t request.

The mother-in-law later offered to give them the cleaning supplies as a gift, but still expected payment for her labor, claiming it involved a “biohazard.” The couple is now torn between their principles and family harmony, wondering if they are in the wrong for not wanting to pay.

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