In 1965, renowned radio commentator Paul Harvey delivered a speech that would prove eerily prophetic. His words, which painted a picture of a society in decline, have come to pass with unsettling accuracy.
Harvey’s speech, titled “If I Were the Devil,” was a masterful commentary on the state of society. He began by imagining himself as the embodiment of evil, seeking to engulf the world in darkness. With a serpent’s wisdom, he would whisper deceitful thoughts to the young, corrupting their minds and values.
Harvey’s vision of a society in decay was both haunting and prescient. He foresaw a world where the lines between good and evil would be blurred, where morality would be relative, and where the institutions of family, faith, and government would be undermined.
As Harvey’s words unfold, it becomes clear that his prophecy has been fulfilled. The erosion of traditional values, the rise of secularism, and the decay of social norms are all testaments to the accuracy of his vision.
Harvey’s speech is a powerful reminder that the forces of darkness are ever-present, seeking to undermine the foundations of our society. His words serve as a warning, urging us to remain vigilant and to defend the values that have made our civilization great.
As we reflect on Harvey’s prophecy, we are reminded that the choices we make have consequences. We must choose between the path of righteousness and the road of destruction. The fate of our society hangs in the balance, and the decisions we make today will shape the course of history tomorrow.
Paul Harvey’s “If I Were the Devil” is a timeless warning that remains as relevant today as it was when it was first delivered. It is a call to action, urging us to stand up for what is right and to defend the values that have made our society great.