In Oklahoma, residents stumbled upon a mysterious, sac-like “egg” hanging from tree roots at a lake. The discovery sparked widespread speculation, with many jumping to conclusions about extraterrestrial origins. However, scientists have stepped in to calm the waters, explaining that the creature is, in fact, an ancient being that has been around since before the dinosaurs.
The mysterious sacs, with their hard exterior and jelly-like interior, were found hanging from tree roots at McGee Creek Reservoir. Locals were quick to share photos online, sparking a flurry of comments about the “alien eggs.” But scientists have reassured the public that the creatures are actually simple bryozoans, which have been around for hundreds of millions of years.
Bryozoans are tiny, filter-feeding animals that clone themselves into large masses. They may look like a single, egg-like creature, but in reality, they are hundreds of individual animals banded together. Each tiny invertebrate possesses both male and female reproductive organs, allowing them to self-clone and spread through clumps of cells.
The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation has shared photos of the bryozoans on social media, reassuring the public that they are native to the area and pose no danger to humans or wildlife. In fact, the presence of bryozoans is a sign of good environmental quality and clear water.
Fossil records show that bryozoans may have evolved from an ancient marine worm, with their ancestors dating back a staggering 470 million years. For perspective, dinosaurs didn’t appear until 245 million years ago. The discovery of these ancient creatures in Oklahoma’s lakes is a fascinating reminder of the natural world’s secrets and wonders.