In a classroom filled with bright and eager students, a teacher decided to challenge their creativity with a unique word game. The task was simple: think of words that end with the suffix “tor” and have an insatiable appetite for goods.
The students’ eyes lit up as they raised their hands, eager to participate. A confident young student kicked off the game with a loud and proud declaration: “Alligator!” The teacher beamed with pride at the student’s impressive vocabulary.
The next student to take a turn was just as enthusiastic, shouting out “Predator!” The classroom erupted in excitement, and the teacher praised the student for their remarkable word choice.
But little did the teacher know, the most unexpected and hilarious answer was yet to come. Johnny, a student known for his quick wit and mischievous grin, piped up with an innocent yet cheeky tone: “Miss, v***ator.”
The classroom burst into laughter, and the teacher struggled to maintain her composure. Once the giggles subsided, she explained to Johnny that his word, although impressive, didn’t quite fit the criteria.
Undeterred, Johnny confidently explained that his sister owned one, and it devoured batteries at an alarming rate. The classroom erupted in laughter once again, and the teacher couldn’t help but be impressed by Johnny’s creative thinking.