In a remarkable tale of modern medicine and family, a Tennessee couple, Tina and Benjamin Gibson, welcomed a baby girl named Emma Wren Gibson into their lives. What makes this story extraordinary is that Emma was born from a frozen embryo that was donated in 1992, a year after Tina was born.
Tina and Benjamin had been struggling with infertility due to Benjamin’s cystic fibrosis. After five years of marriage, they had almost given up hope of having a biological child. However, everything changed when Tina’s father introduced them to the possibility of using a frozen embryo to have a baby.
Initially hesitant, Tina couldn’t shake off the idea. When she shared her thoughts with Benjamin, he revealed that he had been considering the same option. They decided to research and explore the idea further, and after thorough consideration, they submitted an application for embryo adoption.
The process of adopting a frozen embryo is similar to traditional adoption. The couple had to go through a home study to ensure a suitable environment for the baby. Once approved, they were given a list of potential frozen embryos with detailed information about their medical history and achievements.
After carefully reviewing 300 profiles, Tina and Benjamin finally chose the embryo that would become their daughter, Emma Wren Gibson. Although the exact date of the embryo’s donation is unknown, it is believed to have been donated in 1992.
The National Embryo Donation Center in Knoxville performed the procedure. According to Dr. Zaher Merhi, an expert in IVF research and development, it is impossible to identify the oldest known embryo, as American companies are not required to report the age of an embryo used.
When Emma Wren Gibson was born, Benjamin was overjoyed, despite not sharing a genetic connection with his daughter. Tina was equally thrilled and expressed her gratitude for their precious gift. They consider themselves blessed and are open to the possibility of still adopting in the future.
The National Embryo Donation Center, a faith-based organization, advocates for embryo donation and adoption. They work closely with fertility clinics to facilitate the process, which typically costs around $12,500.
Tina and Benjamin’s story highlights the various alternatives to parenthood, including foster care, surrogacy, and adoption. These options offer hope to couples struggling with infertility, providing them with the opportunity to create a family and provide a nurturing environment.
In the end, it’s the desire to create a family and provide a loving home that truly matters. With the advancements in modern medicine, there are more options available than ever before, giving hope to couples like Tina and Benjamin, and the opportunity to experience the joys of parenthood.